Bitching Barstools

Quasimodo In Leather

The stools had wonderful claw-footed bases. The previous owners had bought them from a dealer years ago and suggested that they may have been in a club at some point: they’re probably right


Oh, they have certainly seen some life. The originally seat covers were unspeakable. One of the seats had been slashed at some stage and the foam was bulging through its gaffer-taped cover, but the bases alone were worth a punt and I could always get new seat pads if necessary. At least, that’s what I thought…

…until I saw how expensive the replacement seat pads would be – way more than the bases cost me – and I decided to salvage whatever I could, even poor old ‘Quasimodo’ P1000652

When I found an enormous pale green hide at an unbeatable price, the stars were aligned, so to speakIMG_7789

I removed all the previous staples, and there were many. Admittedly, underneath the old covers there were marks and burns on the foam pads, but they were still firm. After hovering them, dampening and leaving them wrapped tightly for a few days, even the foam on the slashed stool recovered its shape sufficiently (and you’ve got to love that great big fag hole at the front edge!)IMG_7798

I made my leather stretching solution from household products, a recipe picked up on Google. I already had the rubbing alcohol, and a quick trip to Boots provided the baby shampoo, I chopped off a piece of leather, squirted it with the solution and got stuck in with the pliers and stapler

It’s very physical work, but  I could happily do this every weekend – if it weren’t for the back strain, the wrist pain and the blisters on my hand!



After trimming, I finished the underneath using some unloved place mats we hastily ran up out of scrap vinyl before Christmas. Don’t worry, the star is not a design statement, it’s covered by the metal bases

clawfoot stools

And there they are. I only took a hasty pic because I’m tempted to sell them, but I don’t want to. Better to get them packed up and out of sight before I change my mind

Now I just need another project to use up all that green leather


Author: poshbirdy

Art deco/ art nouveau maniac enjoying a deep and meaningful relationship with alcohol

22 thoughts on “Bitching Barstools”

  1. These are fabulous! Great job with those seats although a shame to cover up the original period fag burn details 😉 Like you, I am very often – well, nearly always – tempted to keep my finds instead of moving them on and I think getting them out of sight is a good idea. Once I’ve said, ‘well, I’ll just put it there until I’ve decided what to do’ it literally becomes part of the furniture and usually stays. I must say I’d find it hard to part with those beauties but I wouldn’t really have anywhere to put them in my house – I bet you do though don’t you?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have a couple of places in mind:) I’ve seen what these sell for online, but then I think about what it would cost me to get run of the mill ones and I think I’ll just hang onto these instead!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Fab! I’ve seen some before at auction. Ball & claw, cast aluminium, originally 1960’s, but reproduced in the 80’s. Prices vary but they usually get around 500£ each. You’ve covered them beautifully, so that definitely added value 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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