Room with a Temporary View

The sky may be grey rather than blue, but it’s still the sky

In the builders’ lunch area, two large paint pots and a board had been used to create a third seat at the Formica-topped table, and there were thermos flasks, bread, a frying pan and a camping gas stove. They may be the first people to sit down and eat a hot meal here in over forty years

That’s a wonderful thing, a landmark. Life is creeping back into the house


The removal of the roof began. It’s been windy and very cold but the guys really cracked on with removing the tiles. Almost all the original 17th Century beams are past saving and need to be replaced, which is disappointing, but an essential compromise toward stopping the decay in the rest of the house


Seeing the sky come into view (albeit a flat grey that even F and B would struggle to glamourise) through the open roof was a beautiful thing and it reassured me that anything is possible, that we will overcome whatever obstacles we face and rescue this house

But we need to earn some more money first 🙂



Author: poshbirdy

Art deco/ art nouveau maniac enjoying a deep and meaningful relationship with alcohol

8 thoughts on “Room with a Temporary View”

  1. How absolutely wonderful – the image of the workmen eating hot food in this neglected place and the light pouring in from above before the necessary shoring up starts. Progress indeed … your project starts in earnest and it WILL be wondrous when complete 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I do admire your courage (she says, from the comfort of a fully air and (mostly) water-tight house! 😉 A true labour of love that will pay back manifold when you have a lovely restored house. May your savings multiply!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s exciting – but very scary – when major work like this begins. However, once the roof is fixed and you know the house is protected from the elements, it will give you peace of mind.

    Liked by 1 person

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