The ultimate romantic gesture

I have allowed my face to be moulded and ‘splodged’ in latex, come face to face with myself made out of plaster of Paris (a very strange experience) and been photographed throughout as C did weird stuff to me towards her Art GCSE. But I long for the time and space to do my own projects and I fear the time slipping past

When my ‘big’ birthday arrived in September there were generous gifts of chocolates, money and booze – many and varied booze(s), in fact – and an extravagant evening out. So imagine my delight when Baz, the love of my life, presented me with his gift

A gas-fuelled soldering iron/ blow torch

Jason at work compared this to the time when his dad gave his mum a set of saucepans one Christmas (apparently she was livid – imagine!). But for me this little beauty is just what I will need to repair my Jugendstil chandelier, and to experiment with countless other glass and metal projects I have in mind


Ah, the fun I will have…

But more than that, I believe this gift is Baz’s way of saying ‘It doesn’t bother me that you fill our lives with unco-ordinated tat that needs mending. It’s OK that you never want nice modern things like other people.’

It’s obviously his full acceptance of my obsession with old crap and therefore a licence for me to continue to attempt to resurrect dying things, and perhaps even finish a project one day

At least that is what I get from it. Am I wrong?


Author: poshbirdy

Art deco/ art nouveau maniac enjoying a deep and meaningful relationship with alcohol

15 thoughts on “The ultimate romantic gesture”

      1. Oh goody! I know you will do a wonderful job (I cheated, of course by doing them all at once but you can choose which way suits you). I just changed what I said about you because I had forgotten to say you are feisty and fun and the world needs to discover this! As for the Milne, if you have an idle moment do read Record of a Lie if you haven’t before – it remains relevent to this day.

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  1. I remember getting a particularly horrible present from my first husband and patiently explaining to him that the idea of giving is to give something that the other person will love, not something that you want yourself. Unless the two happen to coincide. It seems to me that Baz is the love of your life and you are the love of his and to that end he has given you something that he knows will mean more to you than anything …. the blowtorch and the permission to persue what you love. I think that is absolutely perfect 🙂

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  2. Who needs roses and chocolates? Anybody can come up with those – it takes imagination and understanding to buy something you really, really want. You sound like a woman after my own heart. I don’t buy modern if I can find a vintage or antique equivalent and have a ground floor storage room full of tat – only I don’t call it ‘tat’ of course.

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  3. I believe it’s essential that both partners in a relationship fully respect each other’s characteristics, likes and dislikes, activities and hobbies etc. Think you received the ultimate gift here; it’s an obvious thumbs up from your partner. Means you can crack on with your projects and feel zero guilt! He’s obviously a great guy.

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