Are we talking 1975?

BernardThevenetHaving only visited the house once, and that was now months ago, I want to know more of the history and how it came to be empty for so long. A friend who also has a house in France described the remote buying experience as feeling unreal and dreamlike. You are so right, Gill!! (coteetcampagne). In our case Baz hasn’t even been there and I feel a weight of responsibility. While obsessing I noticed a magazine called ‘Jours de France’, on the floor in my photo of the ‘Club Room’. Google tells me the magazine went out of business in 1989. The front cover shouts ‘Bravo Thevenet!’ and the picture is of Bernard Thevenet. To be fair he was easy to find as he hasn’t changed much (see recent photo below). He is a renowned cyclist and won the Tour de France in 1975, so I will check the publication date once we get the keys, but it looks like the last time anyone spent any time there was around 40 years ago, which would explain, but not excuse, the hideous insane clashing décor in that room


Author: poshbirdy

Art deco/ art nouveau maniac enjoying a deep and meaningful relationship with alcohol

One thought on “Are we talking 1975?”

  1. hello and welcome to the investigation on the history of your house, which I guarantee will be an ongoing project, much like the renovations!.
    I suspect it may be a little easier than with our place, which we are still finding things out about even now, as yours is a little more coherent in style .


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